Your search returned 4 results.

The project managers desk reference A comprehensive guide to project planning, scheduling, evaluation control and systems by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Chicago Probus Publishing 1993
Availability: Items available for loan: International Management Institute New Delhi (1)Call number: 658.404 LEW .

Team-based project management by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York American Management Association 1998
Availability: Items available for loan: International Management Institute New Delhi (1)Call number: 658.4022 LEW .

Fundamentals of project management developing core competencies to help outperform the competition by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York AMACOM 2002
Availability: Items available for loan: International Management Institute New Delhi (1)Call number: 658.404 LEW .

Accelerated project management how to be the first to market by James P Lewis and Louis Wong by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: New York McGraw-Hill 2005
Availability: Items available for loan: International Management Institute New Delhi (1)Call number: 658.404 LEW .

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