About IMI Library

The Williamson Magor Library (WML)
at IMI New Delhi offers access to a wide range of both printed and electronic sources.  The library aims to support the very diverse information needs of students, faculty, researchers, and staff at IMI through provision of high-quality Information resources and services. The library is fully automated and offers remote access to library e-resources. The library uses the open-source software, KOHA, for management of its resources. The library has a stock of more than 55000 books (hard copy & e-books, both; perpetual access and e-books databases) covering all aspects of business and management including related subject areas such as economics, accounting, finance, behavioural sciences and information technology. The library houses a substantial collection of reference books. The library offers more than 6000 periodical titles online + hardcopy which serves as a vital source for academic research and up-to-date business information. Many journals are available electronically through the Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO), Emerald e-Journal Premier collection, SAGE, Elsevier ScienceDirect, and JSTOR databases. The library subscribes to around 25 online databases, including Web of Science and Scopus. Several daily and weekly newspapers from different parts of India and abroad are also available.

Williamson Magor Library | International Management Institute New Delhi