Library Rules

Regarding access of E Resources & Remote Access Platform

This remote access platform for accessing E Resources subscribed by IMI Library is meant only for authorised members of the library.

Acceptable use:

E Resources are for research, teaching, and study. Commercial use, excessive downloading, and redistribution to non-subscribers are prohibited.

General Rules

i. Users should maintain silence and should not disturb other readers in the library. Smoking/eating/drinking/chatting is strictly prohibited in the library premises.

ii. Users of the library should keep their cell phones in silent mode inside the library.

iii. The staff member(s) at the check point may refuse entry to those who do not produce a valid identity card.

iv. While entering the library, users should leave their personal belongings such as bags, personal books etc. at the entrance to the library on shelves provided. No valuable items, e.g. mobile, laptop, money, ATM/Debit/Credit cards etc., should be kept inside the bags. If kept, the library will not be responsible for any such loss.

v. Users leaving the library should permit the library staff to examine their personal belongings, if asked.

vi. Online chatting/dating, browsing of social networking sites, playing games/watching movies on the computer is strictly prohibited in the entire library premises.

vii. The users should not leave their laptop, pen drives, mobiles, wallets etc. in the library. The library is not responsible for any losses.

viii. IMI, New Delhi library follows an open access system. Books and other reading material taken from the library stacks should not be restacked by the readers. These should be left on the reading table.

ix. Users of the library should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate, or damage the reading material in any way. Persons doing so are liable to be fined heavily, apart from being asked to pay the cost of the damage and may result in the cancellation of library membership.

x. Members should satisfy themselves before leaving the issue counter as to whether the book is in sound condition or not, otherwise they may be held responsible for any damage to the book.

xi. It is of utmost importance that members behave in a decent manner with the library staff. In case a student has a problem with library staff, he/she should contact the Librarian.

xii. Any infringement of the library rules may render the privilege of admission and of borrowing books from the library as withdrawn.

Williamson Magor Library | International Management Institute New Delhi