Elements of banking and insurance

Sethi, Jyotsna

Elements of banking and insurance - 3rd ed. - New Delhi: PHI learning Pvt. Ltd.; c2024. - xxvi, 441p.

Include Bibliography and Index.

This up-to-date and student-friendly text describes, with great clarity and precision, the role of banking and insurance sectors in the Post-Covid scenario and ongoing Global phenomenon. The Third Edition, while retaining the fundamental concepts of the earlier edition, has been enlarged making it more informative. Also, various sections have been updated in alignment with the latest rules and regulations in Banking and Insurance. Designed primarily as a textbook for the undergraduate students for their course in banking and insurance, this concise and informative text is useful to the students of management, commerce and those aspiring for careers in banking and insurance sectors.


Indian insurance industry
Banks and Banking-India
Health insurance

332.38 SET

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