Reports on currency and finance 2003-08 the banking sector in India emerging issues and challenges

Reserve Bank of India

Reports on currency and finance 2003-08 the banking sector in India emerging issues and challenges RBI - Mubai Reserve Bank Of India 2008 - 5vols : xix,294p-515p0 : xx,293p : xviii,322p : 304p 239p 

Contents: Vol.1- The evolution of monetary policyp; Vol.2- The evolution of central banking in India; Vol.3- Development of finanical markets and role of the central bank; Vol.4- The banking sector in India: emerging issues and challenge; Vol.5- The banking sector in India: emerging issues and challenges Includes bibliographical references 

332.0954 RES(Ref.) 

Williamson Magor Library | International Management Institute New Delhi