Dasgupta, Pinaki

Rebellious entrepreneurs : how breakthrough branding uplifts millions in emerging markets / (To be Published Shortly) - Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, c2025 - XXXIII, 435p. - Palgrave Studies in Global Entrepreneurship .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

This book focuses on entrepreneurship and brand-building processes of businesses in India. It does so by highlighting seven regional entrepreneurs in the country as case studies, and how they have created an ecosystem around them with regard to efficiency in supply chain, excellence in marketing, creating a sustainable environment of doing business, providing gainful employment, working with limited resources and credit, and finally showcasing resilience in their work. Case studies in the book include Hosiery cluster of West Bengal, Tiluram and Sons, Balaji Wafers, Biskfarm (SAJ Foods), Annapurna Group, Shri Krishna Paper Mills Limited, Chitale Bandhu, Phool.co (Kanpur Flower Cycling Private Limited), Walkaroo and Aachi Masale. With these case studies, the book maps out their respective business journeys, elaborates on issues and challenges, to create templates for breakthrough branding, which are can be relevant to other emerging economies and the medium-sized enterprises (SME) sector.


New business enterprises
Corporate venture
Brand building
Cases- New ventures

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